Radon Screening and Mitigation

“The Healthy Side of Green”

MDH Gold Star Builder


 Radon Entry into your home


The following facts help put the risk of radon exposure in perspective:

  • Fires claim very few lives in comparison with other causes, yet smoke detectors and fire alarms are mandatory in many buildings.
  • When looking at causes of death, some events create greater perceptions of risk because of their sensational nature, such as plane crashes, bombings, fires, and storms.
  • Radon is measured in Pico Curies per liter (pCi/L). Daily exposure to 10pCi/L is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes per day.
  • Radon claims more lives than drownings, fires, storms, and airline crashes combined

If you look at those EPA published numbers of 21000 radon induced deaths which equates to about 52 fully loaded 747 aircraft, that equals one crash a week. How would the public react if we crashed one airplane per week, per year? Do you think we would do something about that?

Radon Exposure did you know?

Many of us are put into risky situations everyday, commuting to and from work as an example. How do we make that commute a safe one? We obey the rules of the road, stay within the speed limits, and use our turn signals. We do that because we know what the outcome could be if we short cut any of the risky situations. Like the commute most people will take the safe route that could be a risk to you and your family. Let me ask this question what route do you take when it comes to your home safety? Are you one that has safety bells and whistles in place, burglar alarm, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors? Taking those steps is your way of protecting your family and your home. But what about some of the other gases that may be present, like Radon? Did you know that Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States? The Environmental Protection Agency recently reported that approximately 21000 Americans died from Radon induced lung cancer in 2010. The numbers continue to increase every year due to the lack of education to the public on the hazards of Radon Gas, the testing protocol, and the action plan to mitigate the problem.

What is Radon?

 Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon, but it may be a problem in your home. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, you’re at high risk for developing lung cancer. Some scientific studies of radon exposure indicate that children may be more sensitive to radon. This may be due to their higher respiration rate and their rapidly dividing cells, which may be more vulnerable to radiation damage.

 Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas and comes from the natural breakdown (radioactive decay) of uranium. It is usually found in igneous rock and soil, but in some cases, well water may also be a source of radon.

EXPOSURE: The primary routes of potential human exposure to radon are inhalation and ingestion. Radon in the ground, groundwater, or building materials enters working and living spaces and disintegrates into its decay products. Although high concentrations of radon in groundwater may contribute to radon exposure through ingestion, the inhalation of radon released from water is usually more important.









Above are some recently published examples of findings in 3 Minnesota counties. Measurements are shown in Pico Curie per liter pCi/L – from a layman’s perspective know the action numbers – 4 pCi/L and above, however don’t ignore the lower levels found. 

 Radon is in the form of a gas that makes up a good portion of mother earth. That gas tries to escape from below the earth through rocks the soil, through cracks in the foundation and pipes leading into the home. Many times Radon makes itself at home in the lowest point in your home, basements, lower levels, and crawl spaces. The public just doesn’t have enough information on the hazard, the risk, and the fix.

Should you test for radon?

Testing is the only way to know your home’s radon levels. There are no immediate symptoms that will alert you to the presence of radon. It typically takes years of exposure before any problems surface.

The US EPA, Surgeon General, American Lung Association, American Medical Association, and National Safety Council recommend testing your home for radon because testing is the only way to know your home’s radon levels. There are no immediate symptoms that will alert you to the presence of radon. It typically takes years of exposure before any problems surface.

Radon is a national environmental health problem. Elevated radon levels have been discovered in every state. The US EPA estimates that as many as 8 million homes throughout the country have elevated levels of radon. Current state surveys show that 1 home in 5 has elevated radon levels

HealthyExposure®,Inc. are the professionals that can detect and reduce your family from the risk of radon exposure. The HealthyExposure® Professional will follow the process from start to finish, utilizing sophisticated testing equipment, identifying the hazards, recommending a solution and install a radon mitigation system when needed. 


To find out more contact HealthyExposure® at: 612-216-2453

MDH Gold Star Builder

HealthyExposure® has offices in Lakeville and Maple Grove, Minnesota

“Improving Your World One Home at a Time”

Proud Members of the Builder’s Association and BBB of Minnesota, IAQA, NRPP, AHHC and Basement Health Association